Everything that happened this week was completely overshadowed by the fact that I lost NINE pounds since my previous weigh-in.
I swear I almost passed out when I saw the scale. I demanded a recount when I saw the number, there had to be a mistake! So we weighed me again. Same number. I even got on a different scale. Pretty much the same number (actually, it was a little LOWER). So, there you have it, I managed to lose 9 pounds in one week.
This brings my six week total to 21 pounds.
In a previous blog post, I mentioned that in my office we are measuring my weight loss in terms of what fraction of a certain co-worker I have lost. Her name is Lilei. She is a software engineer and a fabulous cook, and she weighs about 100 lbs. Stephen in our Creative group made this graphic for me:
We are going to update it across the year. I did some internet research and we figured out that Lilei’s legs weigh about 20 lbs, her arms weigh about 5 lbs, and her head weighs about 10 lbs, so therefore her torso is 40 lbs. In short (no pun intended), I have lost a Lilei leg. We’ll shade in relevant parts of the diagram as I progress through the “Lose A Lilei” program.
I went on a few nice walks in the last week. Last Sunday was Sunday Streets and my friend and Andrew and I went out to walk the route on the Great Highway. We walked about two miles; I walked a mile of it barefoot on the beach which was fun but kinda exhausting. Here’s a funny photo of me struggling as I sink in the wet sand surrounding the shipwreck of the Prince Phillip, a ship that crashed on Ocean Beach in 1878.
Today we went out to the beach again to fly Andrew’s new kite. We walked about two and a half miles. No issues with my calves or achilles tendon, thankfully; the stretches are working! It was really a fantastic day and a fantastic week.