The story behind chimichuri is interesting, originating from the Argentine independence. Story has it that Irishman, Jimmy McCurry, was sympathetic to the Argentine Independence and introduced this fresh and tasty sauce to the natives. The natives were unable to pronounce his name and, instead, named the sauce “chimichuri.” Chimichuri is an herbaceous condiment made from a blend of spices, fresh herbs, oil and vinegar. Chimichuri is commonly prepared using fresh parsley; however I thought I’d prepare it with a Peruvian twist, using cilantro and sacha inchi oil!
The cilantro in chimichuri has antioxidant properties that aid in cardiovascular disease prevention. It is also antibacterial and may combat urinary tract infections. Sacha inchi on the other hand, is the richest plant-source of omega-3 fatty acids on the planet! Consumption of omega-3 has been linked to the prevention of diseases such as cancer, coronary heart disease and hypertension.
Chimichuri can be served on meat, fish, poultry, pasta and vegetables as a glaze, marinade, or dipping sauce. My personal favorite is using cilantro chimichuri as a spread on crackers, or swirling a spoonful into a fresh pot of stew.
Sacha Inchi Cilantro Chimichuri
Makes: ¾ cup
1 bunch cilantro
2 cloves garlic
2 tsp dried oregano
2 Tbsp white wine vinegar
½ cup sacha inchi oil (can be substituted for olive oil)
½ tsp salt
Food processor
Place ingredients in a food processer and pureed to desired consistency. Enjoy!
More recipes just like this in Peruvian Power Foods Book available at Amazon.