Author: Manuel Villacorta, MS, RDN

Manuel Villacorta, MS, RDN, is an internationally recognized, award-winning registered dietitian-nutritionist with more than 18 years of experience. He is one of the leading weight loss and nutrition experts in the country. Manuel is a respected and trusted voice in the health and wellness industry.

Eating Free Abroad

The simplicity and online convenience of Eating Free certainly makes it the easiest weight management program you’ll ever use.  But what if you are traveling

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Eating with Elegance

What happened to elegance in eating? When did the concepts of “eating-on-the-go” or devouring plastic-wrapped or boxed meals become appropriate methods of dining? How did

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Simply Eating Free!

Eating Tradition

No wheat, no dairy, no potatoes, no rice; no carrots because of the glycemic index and no fruits since they are too high in sugar!

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