
Browse articles by Registered Dietitians about healthy eating, balancing meals, and key nutrition strategies for healthy weight management.

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Top 5 Lean Proteins (That Aren’t Chicken Breast)

Photo Credit to If you are tired of chicken breasts, we’ve got some very good news for you: there are lots of other healthy


Are Plant-Based Burgers Healthier for You?

Veggie burgers were just minding their own business, living an idyllic life of glamorous popularity with the surge of vegetarian eating…and then vegan “meat” came


Top 5: Things to Order When Eating Out

Eating and cooking at home is always preferable, but sometimes that’s not realistic, or even desirable. Whether for work or social reasons, we all love


Debunking Myths about Lactose

Disclosure: I am a National Ambassador for the National Dairy Council. All opinions are my own. Lactose intolerance is a commonly misunderstood condition. The first


Top 5: Fridge Essentials

Nutritionists so often talk in terms of what you should not eat, but let’s talk about what you should eat. Too frequently, poor food choices

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