
From breakfast to dessert, you’re covered with balanced and nutritious options, as well as recipes to help you meet your weight goals.

lomo saltado peruano manuel villacorta

Lomo Saltado Peruano with Strip Steak

This Lomo Saltado Peruano recipe combines a nutritious mix of lean beef, vegetables, and whole grains and is a perfect representation of my culture. Lomo

healthy ground beef zucchini lasagna manuel villacorta

Healthy Ground Beef Zucchini Lasagna

This ground beef zucchini lasagna recipe is comfort food made healthy and more nutritious. I added more plants to the meat sauce and used layers

Chocolate Strawberry smoothie with EO3 heart healthy

Chocolate Strawberry Smoothie with EO3

This Valentine’s Day show yourself or your loved ones some love by making this heart-healthy chocolate strawberry smoothie. Don’t forget that cards and gifts are

blueberry protein muffins high fiber on cutting board

High-Fiber Blueberry Protein Muffins

These blueberry protein muffins are sweetened naturally with blueberries and prune puree, and are packed with fiber. February is the month of the heart –

Healthy parsnip puree manuel villacorta

Healthy Parsnip Puree

This parsnip puree is made with nutrient-packed ingredients and can be a great complement to your Thanksgiving table. I can’t believe it but the holidays

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