Go Apple Crazy!

apples at grocery store

Fuji – Gala – Granny Smith – Pink Lady – Braeburn – McIntosh – Red Delicious

Five ways to enjoy apples:

  1. Slice and dip in Greek yogurt
  2. Sprinkle lightly with cinnamon, bake until tender
  3. Core and stuff with peaches, bake and top with granola
  4. Enjoy with a variety of nuts and cheeses
  5. Top salad with apple slices, walnuts and cranberries

Apple Recipes

Enjoy a tangy Granny Smith with a small chunk of low-fat cheddar.

Pair Fuji apples with Greek yogurt for a delicious afternoon snack.

Bake a Braeburn until tender, top with cinnamon and enjoy while warm.

Top a salad with slices of Red Delicious apples, walnuts and your favorite low-fat dressing.

Scoop out the middle of a Gala, stuff with your favorite soft fruit (try peaches) and top with low-fat granola. Bake until tender.

For a Sunday morning breakfast treat add sliced McIntosh apples to the pan when your turkey bacon is nearly finished, sprinkle with cinnamon and cook until tender. Savor that smoky sweet apple flavor!

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