4-month ONLINE Weight Loss Program

3000+ People Helped. 98% Succeeded.

84% Maintained Weight*

Client weight loss Transformations

client weight loss 165 pounds

Lost 165 lbs.

Lost 53 lbs.

client transformation manuel villacorta weight loss

Lost 112 lbs.

Lost 60 lbs.

client weight loss transformation manuel villacorta

Lost 27 lbs.

client transformation weight loss manuel villacorta

Lost 40 lbs.

lose weight and keep it off! 10 must-know tips

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manuel villacorta speaker

Your Virtual weight loss Coach
& nutrition Expert

Think of this program as a nutrition school that happens to be customized for you. Nutrition is a science but there is philosophy too. And my philosophy doesn’t include taking out any food groups.

In my 20+ years of experience, I’ve seen it takes at least 3 months to establish habits. So a program is necessary to maintain your results long after you finish working with me. 

We’re going to dance together – I’ll hold your hand, and when you go to the right, we’ll step to the right. I will meet you where you are and we’ll go from there. It’s all about working together to win the ultimate prize!

Step 1

Schedule Your Free
20-Minute Consultation
This free consultation allows me to understand your goals, explain the program, and describe how we will work together. Then you decide if we are a good fit.

Step 2

4-Month Online Weight Loss Program
After signing up, I will call you to schedule your first 3 appointments. We will meet each week for the first 3 weeks, then once every 3 weeks after that. You will also have access to me via chat.

Step 3

Optional Continuation Packages
By the 3rd month, you will have the tools to continue on your own. If you desire to continue working with me for accountability and additional learning, there are continuation packages to fit your needs.

You'll hear yourself saying
"I'm going to do this,"
rather than "I'm going to try."

client Testimonials

Real People. Real Results.

virtual one-on-one
registered dietitian
online weight loss program

customized to you

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Custom online weight loss program with dietitian Manuel Villacorta Virtual Weight Loss coach
Whole Body Reboot App

4-Month online weight loss program

Custom online weight loss program with dietitian Manuel Villacorta Virtual Weight Loss coach

The custom program for a NEW YOU


Online Weight Loss Program
$ 375 4 Monthly Payments
  • 90-minute Assessment and Goal Setting
  • 90-minute Customized Eating Guideline
  • Four 30-minute Follow-Up Sessions
  • 15-minute Final Summary Session
  • Chat with Manuel (program platform)
  • Free Copy of Low-Calorie Weight Loss Cookbook
  • 5-Day Anti-Inflammatory Reboot

One-Time Payment

Online Weight Loss Program
$ 1275 One-Time Payment
  • 90-minute Assessment and Goal Setting​
  • 90-minute Customized Eating Guideline
  • Four 30-minute Follow-Up Sessions
  • 15-minute Final Summary Session
  • Chat with Manuel (program platform)
  • Free Copy of Low-Calorie Weight Loss Cookbook​
  • 5-Day Anti-Inflammatory Reboot
15% Off

You will know how to enjoy ice cream and a glass of wine, while building a comfortable, honest, and enjoyable relationship with food. 

client weight loss success stories

*The MV Nutrition program was analyzed by graduate students at UC Berkeley and San Francisco State University

Dietitian. Author. Speaker. Spokesperson.

Manuel Villacorta

Manuel Villacorta, MS, RDN, is an internationally recognized, award-winning registered dietitian – nutritionist with more than 18 years of experience. Based in San Francisco, helping people worldwide to lose weight in his virtual weight loss program. He is a bestselling author having published six books and is currently working on his 7th.

One of the leading weight loss and nutrition experts in United States and the recipient of five ‘‘Best Bay Area Nutritionist’’ awards along with “2019 Influencer of the Year” by the Produce for Better Health Foundation. He is also a spokesperson for numerous food commodities and an in-demand nutrition expert on national and international television.


About MV Nutrition

Manuel Villacorta has helped thousands of clients to not only lose weight, but keep the weight off. His lifestyle program is personalized and considers your lifestyle, finances, resources, support system, current eating habits, food preferences and all other factors that affect weight and health. Manuel does not book individual sessions. When you work with Manuel, you are committing to a program that will create a lifestyle to keep you healthy and the weight off long after your work with him is done.


Nutrition is 80% of the equation, and exercise is 20%. And even with 20%, exercise can be a barrier to weight loss.

First we need to evaluate how you exercise. You may be doing too much and focusing too little on your nutrition. Then, we address the majority of the equation – nutrition. As a Registered Dietitian, I will teach you the nutrition science you need to know for sustainable weight loss. 

Unlike many other weight loss programs, this is individualized to you, and led by a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. I look at you as a person – if you’re a mom with kids, your plan will be different than a teacher, and different than a CEO traveling across the country.

This virtual weight loss program is all about working from where you are, and teaching you the behavior modifications needed to get you to where you want to be. 

I have helped hundreds of women lose weight during menopause, and it is possible. Ideally, you will start this program before menopause to learn the key elements to focus on in your body’s transitional time.

However, this program can be helpful before, during, and after menopause. There’s a specific way you need to eat when going through this phase in life and I will teach you how.

I will tell you suggestions. The beauty of this program is that it is customized to you. This means that I’ll never tell you that you can’t eat certain foods. My philosophy as a dietitian is not to remove any food groups.

The key is that you need to like the foods that you’re eating for lasting change, and my recommendations need to fit your culture. For example, if you’re a Peruvian like me, I’ll make sure potatoes will still fit in your diet.

We will work together to create a plan that you’ll both enjoy now and want to continue long term.

Yes, I will provide an exercise plan for weight loss. Since I’m not a personal trainer, I can’t show you how to do the exercises. But I will tell you what to do, and how often, which will complement your nutrition plan.

All sessions are done virtually, either via video calls or phone calls.

The program will provide the tools you need for long-term weight loss. However, there are continuation packages available if you’d prefer to have additional check-ins and accountability. These sessions are also helpful for people looking to lose large amounts of weight.

For example, if your goal is to lose 80 pounds, 3 months isn’t enough time to reach that goal. The program will teach you all you need to know to continue on  your journey, and you will start off strong. But if you want ongoing accountability and guidance, the continuation packages are a great option.


Booking Provided by Healthie

Sign Up for a free 20-min call

with weight loss expert Manuel Villacorta, MS, RD

Learn how his 4-month program will help you accomplish your weight loss goals.